Dust Control

What is Dust Control?

Dust control is an approved Chloride mixture that is applied once per year to county/private gravel roads if purchased. Dust control can help to suppress the dust that becomes airborne from passing vehicles, wind erosion and other aggregate loss. It is not a dust eliminator. Dust control is a chloride-based solution that is a water-based, odorless, colorless, non-flammable, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly product. It works by drawing and holding moisture from the air into the treated road surface, thereby reducing airborne dust.

Parameters for Dust Control being Provided by the County

Dust Control is offered through one approved provider, Scotwood Industries. It can be purchased privately for any county or private road if that road's average daily traffic (ADT) does not reach 200. To find your road's ADT please visit our Traffic Count Data page.

2025 County Provided Dust Control

Boone County offers paid dust control to any county gravel road with an ADT of 200 and over. Please double check if your road is on our list before purchasing dust control privately!

Please note that traffic count numbers are pulled from the prior year (2024) instead of the application year (2025).

Road Name Portion of Road Covered Description
Akeman Bridge Rd O'Neal Rd to Rt E
Bentlage Dr Hagans Rd to dead end
Biggs Rd Rt DD to dead end
Bonne Femme Church Rd Tom Bass Rd to Gans Creek Rd
Boothe Ln N Walnut Grove Rd to 4850 Booth Ln
Boothe Ln S Rt 40 to Brennan Dr
Bowling Lane Rangeline Rd to dead end
Coats Lane Gillispie Bridge Rd to Celtic Dr
Drane Rd Route J to Patten Rd
Hagans Rd Rt Y to end of Maintenance
Harper Rd Roy Barnes to Ponderosa
Hawkins Rd Rt Y - Gravel sections to dead end (2 areas)
James Sapp Rd Liberty Ln to Bud Wyman Rd
JD Sapp Rd Liberty Ln to Franklin Rd
Kircher Rd End of pavement - State Hwy HH
Log Providence Rd Woodson Harris Rd to N of Address 5400
O'Neal Rd Fenton Rd to Akeman Bridge Rd
Ridge Rd Hwy 124 to Coyote Hill Rd
Robbie Forbis Rd Rt Y to New Salem Rd
Robinson Rd Hwy 124 to Friendship Church Rd
Rustic Rd CMB to CME
Smith Hatchery West Dothage- just pass Coopers Landing
Sugar Creek Rd CMB - Wehmeyer Rd
Thomas Hill Rd Breedlove Dr to N of Address 17805
Willet Rd Schooler Rd to N of Address 17250
Woodson Harris Rd Log Providence to CME

Dust Control Vendor Information

Currently, Scotwood Industries, Inc. is the only approved provider for dust control on Boone County roads. To contact Scotwood Industries concerning private purchase pricing. These are the following general customer service phone numbers:

  • (800) 844-2022
  • (573) 303-7711

Registration Deadlines & Application Process

Boone County citizens can register with Scotwood through May 1st for dust control and the application will begin the first two (2) weeks of June.

Boone County citizens can call Scotwood Industries directly to register for private dust control for their road through May 1st. Scotwood then sends the list of registered clients to BCRB, where we will prepare the road for dust control by grading it before the application process begins. Scotwood starts the application process after June 1st.

After May 1st, BCRB is no longer coordinating with Scotwood Industries, and instead the citizen is responsible for contacting Scotwood and scheduling the dust control treatment. The citizen may call BCRB and request the road to be graded before the application process begins, but it is not guaranteed that the road will be prepared before treatment due to other higher priority projects. BCRB suggests you call for dust control before the May 1st deadline to guarantee your road will be prepared before treatment.

Important Facts to Know

  • The citizen is responsible for "flagging" the area that needs to have dust control.
  • There is a minimum of 300ft of gravel road necessary for dust control.
  • Boone County Road & Bridge holds the right to rock, blade or provide maintenance to a road, or section of road, that has had dust control treatment if it is determined that the road needs maintenance to eliminate safety concerns.