Traffic Count Data

Boone County Resource Management operates a traffic count program that systematically collects Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data on select roads within the county. The county uses these ADT counts to help estimate future volumes of traffic to be used for planning purposes. To collect the data, the county uses portable recording devices that are attached to the road to determine the number of vehicles that pass along a roadway. These counts are taken at select sites on a three or six year cycle based on previous ADT counts. Generally, locations that have an ADT count over 200 will be sampled every 3 years and locations with less than 200 ADT will be sampled every 6 years. Counts on non-through roads will be repeated when warranted by changes in traffic patterns and development.
If you know the name of the road you are searching for, you can use the “Select Route” drop-down to zoom to the road and view the ADT information along the route. Optionally, you can manually pan/zoom to a specific location and click on an ADT point to view the ADT information.
Note: Not all roads have periodic ADT count locations and the traffic count viewer only shows the most recent ADT count taken at each station.