Boone County Treasury Investment Purchases

The Boone County Treasurer invests treasury funds that are not needed for immediate operating expenses. All funds are invested within the legal guidelines set forth by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Missouri. Authorized investments include the following:

  • United States Treasury securities
  • United States government agency securities and government-sponsored enterprise securities
  • Certificates of Deposit
  • Repurchase Agreements
  • Commercial Paper

Safety of the public's funds is the top priority for investments made by the Boone County Treasurer. The Treasurer monitors major investment markets and works to maximize the return on the treasury investments without compromising safety.

The Boone County Treasurer's Office reports all purchases of investments made with public funds to the Investment Review Committee on the day the purchase was made. In addition, the Boone County Treasurer's Office provides a quarterly report of all investment purchases to the Boone County Commission, a copy of which can be found below.

Quarterly Reports