Land Development Permits
County Permits
Land Disturbance Permit
A Land Disturbance Permit is necessary for any activity disturbing one acre or more of land. In environmentally sensitive areas, such as those with sinkholes, caves, losing streams, wetlands, etc., the land disturbance threshold is lowered to 3,000 square feet.
Stormwater Discharge Permit
A Stormwater Discharge Permit is required when constructing, altering, or reconstructing drainage facility(s).
Do not clear or grade any site until you confirm that all required permits and approvals have been obtained. Please contact Boone County Resource Management to set up a Pre-Application Meeting to discuss stormwater and land disturbance requirements that may apply. Non-stormwater related permits may also be required.
State Permits and Federal Permits
MoDNR Land Disturbance Permit
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources requires a land disturbance permit when disturbing one acre or more of land by clearing, grading, or excavating.
If any portion of a common plan of development is sold to a developer for commercial, industrial, or residential use, the new owner must obtain a state permit prior to conducting any land disturbance activity, regardless of the size of the disturbance.
For disturbances less than one acre, contact the e-DMR/e-Permitting Hotline at 573-526-2082 for assistance. No permit is required for less than one acre of disturbance if a portion of the common development plan is sold to an individual to build his/her own private residence.
Boone County Building permit applications for developer-owned lots in common plans of development will not be accepted until proof of a State land disturbance permit is submitted. Documentation must include the State permit number, the permit holder's name and address, the facility (development) name and location, and the permit expiration date. Acceptable proof can be shown on a mobile phone, electronically, or paper copy if it includes the required information.
Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Section 404 Permit (changes made to a waterway or its banks)
Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, any discharge of fill material caused by dredging, dumping, construction, filling, excavation, or other modifications within "Waters of the US" will need a permit from the ACOE. This includes work that takes place in, under, or over water or wetlands adjacent to "Waters of the US" such as the Missouri River. Waters of the US include rivers, creeks, streams, ditches, lakes, ponds, and wetlands. You may need a permit to work on your own property.
Other Permits
For other permits, visit Resource Management.