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MobilizationLS4.7.2.Type A Guardrail!Remove and Replace 12.5-foot BeamEach;Remove and Replace 12.5-foot Radius beam, Concave or Convex$Remove and Replace 6-foot Steel Post$Remove and Replace 9-foot Steel Post#Remove and Replace 6-foot Wood PostRealign and Use Existing Post7Remove and Replace 8-inch x 6-inch x 14-inch Wood BlockRemove and Replace End Section%Remove and Replace Terminal Connector.Install Post in Solid Rock or Through ConcreteBid Table Continued4.7.3.Type E Guardrail,Remove and Replace 12.5-foot Thrie Beam Rail7Remove and Replace 8-inch x 6-inch x 21-inch Wood Block0Remove and Replace Thrie Beam Terminal Connector4.7.4. End Terminal2Remove and Replace Type A Crashworthy End Terminal9Remove and Replace Type A Flared Crashworthy End Terminal2Remove and Replace Type B Crashworthy End Terminal2Remove and Replace Type C Crashworthy End Terminal*Miscellaneous Type B or C Terminal Removal4.7.5.AnchorRemove and Replace End Anchor,Remove and Replace Embedded Guardrail Anchor-Remove and Replace Rock Face Guardrail Anchor3Remove and Replace Thrie Beam Bridge Anchor Section4.7.6.Transition Section%Remove and Replace Transition SectionRemove and Replace 6-foot PostRemove and Replace 9-foot Post4.7.7.ET 2000:Remove and Replace 6-inch x 8-inch x 72-inch Wood Post 1-4:Remove and Replace 6-inch x 8-inch x 72-inch Wood Post 5-87Remove and Replace 6-inch x 8-inch x 14-inch Wood Block)Remove and Replace 25-foot Deep Beam Rail8Remove and Replace Steel Foundation Tube with Soil Plate>Remove and Replace 25-foot Deep Beam Rail Punched for Extruder0Remove and Replace with a New Guardrail Extruder1Remove and Replace with a Used Guardrail ExtruderRemove and Replace Offset StrutXRemove and Replace Cable Assembly including Pipe Sleeve, Bearing Plate, and Cable Anchor4.7.8.BEST:Remove and Replace 6-inch x 8-inch x 45-inch Wood Post 1-2:Remove and Replace 6-inch x 8-inch x 72-inch Wood Post 3-7)Remove and Replace with a new Impact Head#Remove and Replace Groundline Strut4.7.9.SRT-350:Remove and Replace 6-inch x 8-inch x 72-inch Wood Post 3-9!Remove and Replace Strut Assembly:Remove and Replace First Slotted 12.5-foot Guardrail Panel;Remove and Replace Second Slotted 12.5-foot Guardrail Panel)Remove and Replace Barrier End Nose Piece4.7.10.Terminal End Marker?Install Type III Black and Yellow Object Marker on End Terminal Total Cost = Percent Increase for 2nd Year = __________ % Percent Increase for 3rd Year = __________ % Percent Increase for 4th Year = __________ % Percent Increase for 5th Year = __________ %Bid Tabulation453-09AUG02-Guardrail Repair Services Term and SupplyJames Drew CorpNo BidsApex Steel FabricationCarter WaltersTrinity Industries Simon SteelGlobal EquipmentBryson ProductsLV Inc.Co Op?? 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