The Boone County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
Public Notice
Citizens residing in Boone County can request information pertaining to hazardous materials at the Boone County Office of Emergency, located at 2145 County Drive, Columbia, Missouri between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The LEPC meets quarterly at the Boone County Emergency Communications Center located at 2145 County Drive, Columbia MO 65202.
The citizens of Boone County are welcome to attend LEPC meetings. If you would like to attend a meeting, be added to the LEPC distribution list, or be put on the next meeting's agenda, please contact the LEPC through the contact form.
Past Meetings
Annual Exercise
The 2023 LEPC Exercise was held on the rain date of February 15th, 2023. View the event's flyer for more information.
Training Opportunities
The mission of the Boone County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is to promote safety in the community through hazardous materials awareness, supporting planning efforts, encouraging cooperative partnerships between community and industry and developing and sponsoring educational and training programs relative to hazardous materials and emergency preparedness for Boone County emergency responders, industry and the community.
The amended By-Laws adopted by the Boone County LEPC on January 20th, 2021 are available to view here.
The Boone County LEPC coordinates with local businesses that store, transport, use and/or sell hazardous chemicals to ensure up-to-date information is on file and the company’s emergency response plans are communicated to the appropriate stakeholders. In addition, the Boone County LEPC
The LEPC is responsible for developing an emergency plan for preparation and response to chemical emergencies within the community. LEPCs are made up of stakeholders from private-sector business and industry, public safety agencies and governmental entities, and should include (at a minimum):
- Elected local officials
- Law Enforcement
- Emergency Management
- Fire
- Public Health & Human Services
- Local Environmentalists
- Hospitals & Healthcare
- Transportation
- Media
- Community & Faith-based Groups
- Owners & Operators
- Citizens
ESF #10: Hazardous Materials Plan
The emergency plan created by the LEPC must include an identification of local facilities and transportation routes where hazardous materials are present; the procedures for immediate response in case of an accident, including a community-wide evacuation plan; processes for notifying the community that an incident has occurred; the names of response coordinators at local facilities; and a schedule for conducting exercises to test the plan. The LEPC is required to review, test and update the plan each year. The plan is then reviewed by the Missouri Emergency Response Commission (MERC) and is available for viewing upon request.
LEPC Officers
- Chairperson - Pete Martin
- Vice Chairperson - Sara Martin
- Secretary - Chris Pearman
- Treasurer - Jenna Redel
- Coordinator - Kraig Johnson
Additional Resources on Hazardous Materials
Check out the information below to learn more about Hazardous Materials: