Hazard Mitigation

What is Mitigation?

hazard mitigation graphic showing various hazards such as tornado and fire

Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters.

Mitigation activities can be completed by individuals, families, communities, private companies, as well as local, state and federal governments in order to reduce the severity or avoid negative outcomes associated with natural, man-made and biological threats.

Many threats to our community are inevitable— for instance, every year we will experience severe winter weather, no matter what. However, there are steps that can be taken to make sure those threats do not have such a negative impact.

For example, every day we buckle up on our way to work. This reduces (mitigates) the risk associated with an accident.

The City of Columbia requires new business to build retainers or install permeable parking lots in order to reduce (mitigate) the pollutants in our water supply. Learn about more ways to mitigate threats to our community!

Helpful Documents & Resources

Six Things to Know Before Disaster Strikes

  1. Know where your gas shutoff valve is located. If you are unsure, ask your gas company. Shutting off gas before an emergency can help avoid gas leaks and explosions.
  2. Know where your electrical shutoff is located. If you are unsure, ask your electric company.
  3. Make and emergency communication plan. Your plan should include where to go, what to do, and how to reconnect.
  4. Make sure you have insurance. Floods are the most common and costly disaster.
  5. Plan for your pets. Find out which disaster shelters accept pets or where you can house them temporarily in the event of a disaster.
  6. Know your evacuation routes.

Source: FEMA Important Things to Know Before a Disaster video