Fair & Inclusive Housing

a wooden house and cogs balancing on a table with the sunset behind

The Fair and Inclusive Housing workgroup originally identified three outcomes in the Boone County Mobility Action Plan. Two workgroups were formed to focus on strategies under the outcomes of increasing affordable housing stock in Boone County and increasing second-chance leasing opportunities.

Result Statement:

All people in Boone County have safe, quality, and affordable housing.

Fair & Inclusive Housing Workgroups

small house with coins stacked up next to it

Affordable Housing Coalition

The Affordable Housing Coalition is one of two workgroups under Fair and Inclusive Housing and is implementing strategies under the outcome "Increase affordable housing stock in Boone County." The Affordable Housing Coalition is active in researching planning and zoning, historical housing policies, and alternative housing solutions while developing community messaging.

a man and two women looking at a laptop

Second-Chance Leasing

The Second-Chance Leasing workgroup is one of two workgroups under Fair and Inclusive Housing and is implementing strategies under the outcome "Increase 'Second-Chance' leasing opportunities." The Second-Chance Leasing workgroup is working toward developing trainings for housing providers and residents, expanding wraparound services, developing second-chance lease agreements, and improving understanding of housing assistance programs.