Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Chris Kelley, Emergency Management Director
Boone County Office of Emergency Management
Phone: (573) 554-7900

Boone County Outdoor Warning Siren System Test Update

COLUMBIA, Mo. (July 3, 2024) –Earlier today, the Boone County Office of Emergency Management (BCOEM), in partnership with Boone County Joint Communications and our siren contractor, conducted a test of the outdoor warning siren system. During this test, all sirens were found to be fully operational and functioning as intended.

This test was in response to a recent programming error that affected the system's performance. The purpose of the test was to ensure the functionality and reliability of the siren system, which is critical for public safety during emergencies.

Chris Kelley, Director of Emergency Management stated, “The reliable operation of our outdoor warning sirens is critical to ensuring the safety of our community. We conduct these regular tests to confirm that our alert system is in optimal working condition and capable of providing timely warnings in the event of severe weather, natural disasters, or other emergencies.”

The outdoor warning sirens are strategically located throughout Boone County to maximize coverage and effectiveness. Residents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the sound of the sirens and to understand that a siren activation indicates the need to seek immediate shelter and tune into local news or weather stations for further information and instructions.

To learn more about the outdoor warning siren system, visit the BCOEM website at

Information on how to sign up for Boone County Ready weather alerts, powered by Smart911 can be found here:
