Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Chris Kelley, Emergency Management Director
Boone County Office of Emergency Management
Phone: (573) 554-7900

Additional Flooding Possible in Boone County, Missouri

COLUMBIA, Mo. (July 3, 2024) –In light of recent heavy rainfall and the ongoing risk of flooding due to forecasted thunderstorms, the Boone County Office of Emergency Management would like to remind residents of these key floodwater safety tips.

  • Stay Informed: Keep updated with local news and weather reports.
  • Have a Plan: Identify a safe place to go in case of flash flooding.
  • Turn Around, Don’t Drown: Do not attempt to walk, swim, or drive through floodwaters. It only takes six inches of fast-moving water to knock an adult off their feet, and two feet of water can sweep away most vehicles.
  • Evacuate Immediately if Instructed: Follow evacuation orders promptly and never drive around barricades. Local responders use them to safely direct traffic out of flooded areas.

For information on Boone County weather, please visit

For information on flood safety and preparedness, visit

Information on how to sign up for Boone County Ready weather alerts, powered by Smart911 can be found here:

For media inquiries, please contact Chris Kelley, Emergency Management Director, at 573-554-7900 or by email at
