Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Tom Hurley, Emergency Management Deputy Director
Phone: (573) 886-7225

Smart Prepare Offers Information for Disaster Response

September 23, 2016

Boone County Emergency Management now has an additional tool to provide assistance during a disaster. Smart Prepare offers residents of Boone County the opportunity to self identify a variety of medical conditions, mobility issues and a wide range of other issues they may suffer from. Smart Prepare is free and open to all those who live and work in Boone County.

When disaster strikes, Emergency Management staff can search profiles already created in an effort to better allocate resources to those most in need throughout our community. If a citizen were on home oxygen for example, during a long-term power outage, Emergency Management staff would have a mechanism to know this information and be able to better allocate resources in an effort to mitigate major and minor issues prior to becoming a medical emergency. The Smart Prepare allows for enhanced coordination between citizens and needed resources via Boone County Emergency Management as the liaison.

Smart Prepare is a proprietary offering from Smart 9-1-1 and calls upon similar technology to provide accurate, timely information to specific and vetted staff. Unlike Smart 9-1-1, which allows emergency 9-1-1 dispatchers to view user information, only Emergency Management staff has the ability to access user profiles during a disaster or emergent event, all information created in a user profile is strictly confidential.

To sign up for Smart Prepare, citizens only have to log into their Smart 9-1-1 profile and click “YES” in the blue box that asks if you would like to make your profile available to Emergency Management officials from Boone County office of Emergency Management. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Tom Hurley, Deputy Director of Emergency Management at or (573) 886-7225.
