Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Joe Piper, Deputy Director or Stirling Williams, Operations Manager
Phone: (573) 874-7400

Public Safety Telecommunicators Week April 10-16: Saluting Those Who Answer the Call

April 7, 2016

Public safety agencies nationwide have recognized the pivotal role played by emergency telecommunicators, dispatchers, communications operators, radio control personnel, all those people, by whatever job title, who utilize telephones, radios, computers and technical skill to provide support to Law Enforcement, Fire Services, Emergency Medical Services, and other governmental field personnel.

Each year, the second week of April is dedicated to the men and women who serve as public safety telecommunicators. In 1991, Congress proclaimed it as a nationally recognized week of recognition.

The 9-1-1 Boone County Joint Communications Center celebrates this year's Nationa Telecommunicators Week- April 10 through 16, 2016 in honor of its dedicated Emergency Telecommunicator s.

"Being a 9-1-1 Telecommunicator is a unique paradox," said Joint Communications Director Chad Martin. "They are the people you hope to never need, but are thankful they are there when you do. Our center receives thousands of calls each year, and Joint Communications telecommunicators handle each call with a calm and respectful demeanor. We are very fortunate to have such an excellent and committed staff working around the clock for the people of Boon County."

The Emergency Telecommunicators received 82,969 9-1-1 emergency calls in 2015. This is in addition to numerous other job duties, assisting citizens, and other agencies. Joint Communications currently dispatches for thirteen Public Safety Agencies.

When you dial 9-1-1 a telecommunicator answers that call. Know where you are and stay on the line so they can help get you the assistance you need!

Remember 9-1-1 is for emergencies only.
The non-emergency number for Boone County Joint Communications is 573-442-6131.
