Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Brian Maydwell, Operations Manager
Phone: (573) 874-7400

Joint Communications Prepared for Mizzou Football

September 4, 2015

Vehicle and pedestrian traffic volumes are expected to increase this weekend, with the combination of the holiday weekend and the official kickoff of the Missouri Tiger football season. Joint Communications reminds motorists to be prepared for increased vehicle and pedestrian activity this weekend and throughout the fall, due to Saturday activities, as well as the influx of college students in Columbia. Motorists are asked to drive with patience and caution, and be aware of traffic slowdowns and pedestrians crossing roadways.

9-1-1 should also be called in emergency situations, such as threats to life and property.

PSJC provides updates on traffic conditions as needed through Nixle alerts (, the PSJC Facebook page (, or the PSJC Twitter feed (
