Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Michele Hall, Boone County Commission Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312

Road Scholar Program Graduates 32 Boone County Public Works Employees

May 7, 2013

Boone County Public Works boasts the highest number of graduates from Missouri's "Show-Me" Road Scholar Level I Program of any agency in the State. With thirty-two graduates, Boone County's Public Works has nearly three times as many graduates as the next leading agency. Road Scholars are equipped to provide more efficient, effective and safe services to the citizens of Boone County.

The program, offered by the Missouri Local Technical Assistance Program (Missouri-LTAP), is designed to train skilled personnel within Missouri local transportation and public works agencies to provide more efficient, effective and safe services to those who use the transportation system in Missouri. Participants receive training to improve their understanding of local public works and road systems, and to improve their administrative, supervisory, technical and worker skills. Professionals from LTAP, MoDOT and American Public Works Association provide training during the courses, creating an integrated curriculum applicable to a wide variety of agencies. For more information on the program, please visit

Show-Me Road Scholar Level I Program graduates

Front Row (L to R): Commissioner Janet Thompson, Commissioner Dan Atwill, Commissioner Karen M. Miller
Middle Row (L to R): R. Wren, T. Chandlee, JC Csolak, J. Reddick, R. Sapp, R. Hackmann, C. Jennings, A. Lewis, J. Wren, B. Bennett, D. Friedli
Back Row (L to R): T. Crocker, L. Crump, D. Evans, M. Mattingly, JC Nichols, T. Knight, R. Hostetter, G. McCune, A. Eberwein, B. Boyce, R. Garrett, B. Montgomery, B. Nieman Not Pictured: D. DeMeyer
