Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Boone County Commission Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312

Miller receives certificate of appreciation from United Way

July 22, 2011

Karen M. Miller, Boone County's District I Commissioner, was awarded a certificate of appreciation today from the Heart of Missouri United Way in honor of her six years of service on the United Way's board of directors, in addition to her other services to the agency. Presenting the certificate was Timothy L. Rich, executive director of the Heart of Missouri United Way.

Rich said that Miller was honored for her exemplary community service. "Karen goes above and beyond even her work as an elected official," Rich said. "She provides innumerable hours volunteering her personal time."

During her service on the United Way board, Rich noted that Miller was instrumental in initiating changes to the way the organization provides services. Rich said that the United Way is changing how it operates to a community impact model in which it will work to change the conditions in the community that create the needs the United Way seeks to meet.

Rich cited Miller's work on numerous projects during her tenure, notably a senior collaborative effort to assist local organizations that provide services to senior citizens cooperate in order to increase efficiency and better serve their communities. He also noted her work with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Annually, the United Way holds a Mother's Day brunch as a fundraiser for the library, Rich said. In the past, Miller has organized the brunch and cooked for over 100 attendees. "You don't get that kind of service from most board members," Rich said.
