Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Boone County Commission Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312

Boone County Commission attends West Central Commissioners Meeting

June 28, 2011

Boone County Presiding Commissioner Ed Robb, District I Commissioner Karen M. Miller and District II Commissioner Skip Elkin will attend a meeting of the West Central Commissioners' Association on Thursday, June 30. This quarterly meeting of the association will be hosted by Bates County, and held at the Bates County Museum-Robertson Hall in Butler, MO. The West Central Commissioners' Association is a regional association within the County Commissioners Association of Missouri (CCAM).

The ability to network with other county commissioners and share experiences is one of the primary benefits of attending these meetings, according to Miller. “You learn more from your peers than you do sitting around surrounding yourself by the same people you see everyday,” Miller said. She is this year's president of the West Central Commissioners' Association.

In addition to a program conducted by the host county, commissioners attending will receive a report on the recently closed Missouri state legislative session from Scott Marrs, a lobbyist for the CCAM, and Dick Burke, executive director of the Missouri Association of Counties (MAC). The commissioners will also engage in a question-and-answer session with Ivan Schraeder, MAC's legal counsel.

Boone County is scheduled to be the host count for the West Central Commissioners' Association meeting to be held in December.

The County Commissioners Association of Missouri was established in 1983 to create a close and cooperative relationship among the commissioners of the state, to provide an opportunity for its members to become better-informed about the powers and duties of their offices as described by state statutes and to investigate legislation relating to the office and responsibilities of county commissioner. CCAM has contracted with the Missouri Association of Counties to manage operations and perform administrative services for all workings of the association. More information about CCAM is available on its website at
