Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Boone County Commission Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312

Boone County Treasurer Nicole Galloway selected to leadership role with Insurance Accounting and Systems Association

May 31, 2011

Treasurer Galloway will serve as secretary for organization representing half of Missouri

Boone County Treasurer Nicole Galloway was selected as secretary of the Insurance Accounting and Systems Association chapter that represents the eastern half of Missouri at the organization's quarterly meeting. Her term begins immediately.

"IASA is an organization that allows me to bring best practices from private industry and put them to work for Boone County," Treasurer Galloway said. "It is critical we have representation and a voice at the table; a voice that brings value and advocates for our businesses on a statewide and national level."

Treasurer Galloway will serve as secretary of the chapter representing eastern Missouri. The chapter has about 100 members from throughout the insurance and financial industry. She was chosen largely because she is Treasurer, and has more than four years experience as an actuary and as a certified public accountant.

The Insurance Accounting and Systems Association is a non-profit, education association focused on enhancing the knowledge of insurance professionals and partners by facilitating the exchange of information and ideas.

About Boone County Treasurer Nicole Galloway

Treasurer Galloway is a CPA and Certified Fraud Examiner. She is responsible for ensuring county money is invested safely and securely, that investments meet the liquidity necessary for the county's cash flow needs and that investments achieve the best return possible. Her duties also include receiving, disbursing and investing all funds for the county, ensuring that monies are correctly segregated into separate funds as required by law and administering unclaimed property. She issues all county general obligation bonds and revenue bonds.
