Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Boone County Commission Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312

Boone County Week In Review

April 22, 2011

For the week ending April 22, 2011

Things you may have missed...

Miller wins ATHENA Leadership Award

Boone County Commissioner Karen Miller was awarded the ATHENA Leadership Award by the Women's Network division of the Columbia Chamber of Commerce. The award was announced on Thursday, April 21 at the 17th Annual ATHENA International Awards Banquet.

ATHENA International Award recipients are chosen for displaying excellence, creativity and initiative in their business or profession, providing valuable service to improve the quality of life in their community and helping women reach their full leadership potential. In addition to Miller, this year's nominees included Lynda Baumgartner of Stephens College and Jolene Schulz of First State Community Bank.

Central Missouri Honor Flight vice president speaks at Boone Brown Bag

Steve Paulsell, vice president of Central Missouri Honor Flight, spoke at the Boone Brown Bag on Wednesday, April 20, 12 noon-1 p.m., at Roger B. Wilson Boone County Government Center.

The mission of Central Missouri Honor Flight is to transport America's veterans to Washington, DC, to visit the memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices. "What we found, though," Paulsell said, "was that it wasn't really about visiting the memorial. It was about getting these veterans together so they can share their stories with other veterans who experienced the same thing."

Paulsell said that most of the veterans of World War II did not really receive a homecoming after serving in the war. Most came back from overseas, processed out of the service, went home and went back to work. "They felt as if they weren't appreciated, that their sacrifices had been forgotten."

In addition to visiting the World War II memorial, Paulsell said, Central Missouri Honor Flight has a mail call on the flight home, giving each veteran a packet of letters from family, friends and members of the community thanking them for their service.

Paulsell said that time is running out to honor the remaining veterans of World War II. Over a thousand veterans each day are dying across the United States, 20 each day in Missouri alone.

Central Missouri Honor Flight is a non-profit organization created solely to honor America's veterans for all their sacrifices. Top priority is given to senior veterans, WWII survivors, along with other veterans who may be terminally ill.

National County Government Month (NCGM) is celebrated each April by the nation's counties to raise public awareness and understanding about the roles and responsibilities of county government. The 2011 theme is "Serving Our Veterans, Armed Forces and Their Families." More than 1,000 counties participate in NCGM each year by hosting a variety community outreach events and activities.

If you know a veteran of World War II who would be interested in participating in Central Missouri Honor Flight, visit the group's website at for more information. Brochures about the organization are available in the PIO's office in Government Center Room 337.

Gardeners of Boone County, we've got a plot for you

The River Fountain on the Boone County Courthouse Square is being converted into a series of container gardens. We would like to encourage Boone County gardening groups to Adopt-A-Plot and help beautify Courthouse Square.

There are five plots total, each 38 inches wide by 24 feet long. Each plot will be filled with a container mix of topsoil and compost. Adequate drainage will be installed for each plot, and water will be available from a nearby spigot.

Organizations that adopt-a-plot can advertise their participation with a sign up to 5 inches by 8 inches in their plots.

Each container will be a self-contained container garden embodying the diversity of gardening interests represented in Boone County. Some possible concepts for your plot include:

  • Native plants: Install a selection of the generally drought tolerant plants that are native to Boone County's high clay content soil and climate.
  • Rain garden: Demonstrate the proper way to use a rain garden to beautify an area as well as controlling runoff.
  • Conifers: Show the design possibilities of evergreen plants and create a showcase for pine straw mulch, a developing Missouri agro-forestry product. Conifers are normally perennial plants, but the plants could be exchanged with others from elsewhere over time.
  • Decorative: Beautify the courtyard with color, texture and design. Plant a mix of annuals and perennials, plant one section with perennials and another with new annuals each year or some other combination.

Groups interested in adopting-a-plot should contact Lamar Henderson, Boone County Public Information Officer, at 573-886-4312 or Photographs of the River Fountain containers are available at

Bobbitt, Dykehouse and Gish present at county auditors conference

Melinda Bobbitt, director of the Boone County Purchasing Office, C.J. Dykehouse, Boone County Legal Counsel and Aron Gish, Director of Information Technologies for Boone County, presented at the 2011 Missouri Association of County Auditors Annual Conference, held at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia.

On Wednesday, April 20, Dykehouse presented an overview of procurement statutes, legal issues to avoid and discuss a reliable decision-making model to deal with gray areas. Bobbitt's presentation on procurement procedures and issues followed.

On Thursday, April 21, Gish spoke on local government IT issues, and Dykehouse presented on the statutory rules and responsibilities of a county auditor.

Week in preview

Employee appreciation breakfasts scheduled as part of National County Government Month

The Boone County Commission will be serving breakfast to Boone County's employees in appreciation for all their hard work throughout the year as part of the County's celebration of National County Government Month.

The menu for breakfast includes biscuits and gravy, sausage and egg casserole, butter and jelly, fruit and juice. Each department will be responsible for provide coffee.

  • Monday, April 25, 7:30-9 a.m.
    • Government Center, Commission Chambers
  • Tuesday, April 26, 7:30-9 a.m.
    • Boone County Courthouse
  • Wednesday, April 27, 8-10 a.m.
    • Boone County Sheriff's Department
  • Friday, April 29, 7-9 a.m.
    • Public Works

Ginter to speak on the challenges of deployment at Boone Brown Bag

LTC Rodney Ginter of the Missouri Army National Guard will speak at a Boone Brown Bag on Wednesday, April 27, at 12 noon in Government Center Room 301.

Ginter will present an overview of the Missouri National Guard and speak about his personal experience in Kuwait during the Persian Gulf War and more recently in Afghanistan. He will address problems faced by himself, his family and his employer while deployed, his experiences upon return and what services local government should provide to assist families and members both during the deployment and upon reintegration.

Ginter is currently the Deputy Human Resources officer for the Missouri National Guard Joint Forces Headquarters in Jefferson City. He is married to Caryn Ginter, a Boone County employee working in the Auditor's office.

Ginter began his military career in 1982, serving with the 5th Infantry Division in Fort Polk, LA, until 1986. After his service in the Active Army, he joined the Missouri Army National Guard in the 128th Field Artillery battery in Columbia. After receiving his officers commission, he was assigned as detachment commander of Charlie Company of the 735th Main Support Battalion in Doniphan, company commander of the Headquarter Company, 935th Division Aviation Support Battalion in Springfield and then executive officer for the 935th. He then was deployed as the supply officer for the 1107th Aviation Group from Springfield supporting the 3rd Army (General Patton's Finest).

Miller to participate in Junior Achievement's "Are you smarter than a JA fifth grader?"

Karen Miller, District I (Southern) Boone County Commissioner, will participate in "Are you smarter than a JA fifth grader?" The event is sponsored by Junior Achievement of Mississippi Valley, and will be held at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel on Thursday, April 28, at 5:30 p.m.

Junior Achievement of Mississippi Valley is the fourth largest JA Worldwide operation in the United States. The group educates young people about work readiness, entrepreneurship and personal finance with hands-on programs. JAMVI reaches over 132,000 students per year in 5,500 classrooms and after-school locations. JA programs are taught by volunteers in inner cities, suburbs and rural areas in eastern Missouri and southwestern Illinois.

Have an item for Week in Review?

Do you have something coming up that you want to share? Send it in! Let us know what's coming up in your week that your colleagues may be interested in, or what happened in the previous week that everyone should know. Contact Lamar Henderson, Boone County Public Information Officer, at 886-4312 or; the deadline for next week's Week in Review is 5 p.m., Thursday, April 28.
