Boone County News Release
For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Boone County Commission Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312
Boone County Week In Review
April 8, 2011
For the week ending April 8, 2011
Things you may have missed...
County voters assigned new polling places for April 5 election
Nearly 16,000 voters from around Boone County turned out for the Tuesday, April 5, election. Many of the County's registered voters were assigned to new polling places for this election, according to Boone County Clerk Wendy Noren, because of the need to consolidate polling places in an effort to save costs. In addition, about 1,400 registered voters had to be reassigned to new polling places because of bridge construction on Route WW.
Founder of launches Boone Brown Bag series
Tracy Della Vecchia, executive director and founder of, helped launch the Boone Brown Bag series on Wednesday, April 6. A group of Boone County employees, many parents and family members of Marines, joined Della Vecchia for a spirited discussion of how her organization to help Marines and their families, especially during deployments and the long hospitalizations faced by wounded Marines.
The Boone Brown Bag series has been launched as part of this year's 2011 National County Government Month. This year's theme is "Serving Veterans, the Armed Forces and Their Families." The series will feature speakers each Wednesday at 12 noon during April.
Secretary of State urges support for Safe at Home service
Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan visited the Boone County Government Center on Wednesday, April 6, to announce that more than 1,000 Missourians have used the Safe at Home address confidentiality service since it was enacted in 2007. Safe at Home allows victims of sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking to keep their home address secure and confidential, which limits an assailant's ability to locate their victims. Carnahan spoke as part of an effort to recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month and highlight the need for this vital service.
County residents attend Bonne Femme watershed open house
More than 40 Boone County residents attended an open house about the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) being developed for the Bonne Femme watershed, according to Boone County Stormwater Coordinator Georganne Bowman. The open house occurred at the Little Bonne Femme Baptist Church on Thursday, March 31, and was held in cooperation between Boone County and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
In addition to a presentation by Bowman, attendees also listened to a presentation by Anne Peery of the DNR's TMDL Unit on what a TMDL is and why it needed to be developed to help protect the Bonne Femme and local residents from exposure to e. coli bacteria. The group also heard a presentation by Roxie Campbell with Rock Bridge Memorial State Park, who discussed water-quality issues in the park and it they affect the park's cave life.
Bowman said that the attendees seemed to understand the requirements of the TMDL and the incentive for developing it and were supportive of the efforts.
The week in preview
Director of MU Veterans Center to speak at April 13 Boone Brown Bag
Carol Fleisher, director of MU Veterans Center, will speak at the Boone Brown Bag in Room 301 in the Boone County Government Center at 12 noon as part of the County's celebration of National County Government Month. The theme of this year's event is "Serving Veterans, the Armed Forces and Their Families."
The University of Missouri Veterans Center works with veterans and service members who are current Mizzou students, faculty and staff as well as those considering a Mizzou education. The Veterans Center certifies students for their VA educational benefits, helps with deployment planning and the subsequent return to work or school, helps with access to health and counseling services and assists with finding employment. By networking with other MU units, the Veterans' Center can be an effective single point of contact for veterans.
Have an item for Week in Review?
Do you have something coming up that you want to share? Send it in! Let us know what's coming up in your week that your colleagues may be interested in, or what happened in the previous week that everyone should know. Contact Lamar Henderson, Boone County Public Information Officer, at 886-4312 or; the deadline for next week's Week in Review is 5 p.m., Thursday, April 14.