Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Boone County Commission Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312

Boone County Week In Review

January 29, 2010

For the week ending January 29, 2010

Things you may have missed...

Boone County in Top 10 for Children's Well-Being

Citizens for Missouri Children announced this week that Boone County ranks 10th-best, out of 114 counties and the city of St. Louis, in caring for children. Last year, Boone County ranked 15th in the group's Kids Count report which ranks counties using 10 statistics, such as number of low-birth-weight infants, infant and child deaths, child abuse and neglect, and high school dropouts.

Read the Citizens for Missouri Children Kids Count Data Book at

Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Month

The Boone County Commission has declared February 2010 as Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Awareness Month. In 1975 the United States Congress created the EITC program to provide tax relief for low and moderate income families. Today, the EITC provides more than $49 billion nationally. Approximately 150,000 families in Missouri are eligible for the EITC but do not claim it. This lack of awareness leaves billions of unclaimed dollars in the United States Treasury. The Boone County Commission urges all eligible citizens to file for their Earned Income Tax Credit.

Go to,,id=96406,00.html for more information.

Speaker's Bureau

Need a speaker for your group's or organization's next meeting? Boone County Government elected officials and department directors are a wealth of knowledge on a variety of subjects such as land use, property taxation and valuation, how to do business with the County and more. Call the Public Information Office at 573-886-4312 or email Porcshe Moran at to arrange a speaker. Please request a speaker at least two weeks in advance.

Revenue Allocation Changes

The Boone County Commmission met with city and road district officials on Wednesday to discuss a new property tax formula for common roads. The current revenue replacement formula does not consider changes in sales tax revenue. The current formula only ties replacement revenue to property tax revenue, which continues to increase. The decline in sales tax revenues has broadened the gap between available funds and the amount of revenue replacement that has to be expended. The meeting produced a six-member subcommittee that will study ways to adjust the replacement formula. A decision on the formula will be made in time for the County's 2011 budget cycle which begins August 2010.

EIERA Loans Available

The Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority (EIERA) is accepting applications for Missouri Brownfields loans and subgrants to support cleanup activities for sites contaminated with petroleum and hazardous substances. Any public (except state) or private entity can be eligible for loans to pay for the cleanup of brownfield properties. Subgrants are limited to political subdivisions and non-profit corporations. If you are interested in exploring how your project might fit into the Missouri Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund, or if you would like to submit an application to the program, please contact the EIERA at (573) 751-4919 or

More information on the Missouri Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund is available at:

Coming Up...

Stormwater Ordinance

The Boone County Commission will do the second reading of the proposed stormwater ordinance on Tuesday, Feb. 2 during the 9:30 a.m. commission meeting in the Roger B. Wilson Government Center, Commission Chambers, 801 E. Walnut, Columbia.

Read the final draft of the proposed stormwater ordinance at

County Commissioner Training

The Boone County Commission will attend mandatory annual County Commissioner training, required by Missouri law (Sec. 49.082.3, RSMo), Wednesday, Feb. 3 to Friday, Feb. 5 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City.

Learn more about the County Commissioners Association of Missouri at
