Judicial & Law Enforcement Task Force

The Judicial & Law Enforcement Task Force meets on call, usually four to six times per year. Meetings are held in the Commission Chambers of the Roger B. Wilson Boone County Government Center unless otherwise noted.


The Boone County Commission established the Boone County Judicial and Law Enforcement Task Force (JLETF) in 2001 to serve as a monitor on the population of the Boone County Jail. The task force was set up as a citizen group; stakeholders and officeholders were not included as members.

Although the JLETF was established in 2001, its origins go back to the mid-1990s when the County experienced large increases in the jail population. In response to the population increase, the Commission appointed the first Jail Task Force in 1997. While the Jail Task Force was actively meeting, the jail population declined. However, once it had completed its goal of a detailed report with recommendations, the Task Force no longer met. With no active oversight, the jail population rapidly increased again.

To combat this population increase, the second Jail Task Force was appointed and completed its report with additional recommendations in 2001. At this time, the Commission set up the JLETF to serve as an oversight group.

The JLETF has met since late 2001 or early 2002. During the first six or seven years, the task force was actively involved in oversight of the jail population. In 2008, the 13th Judicial Circuit Court set up the Criminal Justice Administration Coordination Committee (CJACC), which included all stakeholders and officeholders. The CJACC now handles most of the issues previously handled by the JLETF. As a result, the JLETF has had the opportunity to become more focused on other functions of the criminal justice system. Since May 2015, the JLETF has been actively involved in supporting the Boone County Stepping Up Initiative, which focuses on mental health issues in the criminal justice system.

Meeting Minutes

Please visit the links below for minutes from our past meetings.










Municipal Courts: An Effective Tool for Diverting People with Mental and Substance Use Disorders from the Criminal Justice System