Levee Districts
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Boone County has some fertile and productive farmland located in the areas adjacent to the Missouri River. However, proximity to the river increases the potential for flooding.
One method used to prevent or limit the impact of flooding is the construction of large earthen berms, called levees. The cost to construct and maintain such massive levees generally exceeds the ability of one property owner to undertake the funding alone. Under Missouri state law, chapters 245 & 246, property owners may form a levee district and tax themselves for constructing and maintaining levees to protect their lands.
Boone County has three levee districts, the McBaine Levee, the Hartsburg Levee, and the Wilton Levee.
The Levee districts' boards annually provide the collector's office assessment information on the land directly affected by the levee. The collector's office creates and sends out bills, collects the assessed amounts and distributes the collections back to levee districts. Levee bills are handled much like real estate bills as they are mailed out in November and due before midnight on December 31st. Late payment charges begin to accrue on any bill remaining unpaid on January 1st.
Levee bills may be accessed through the Collector's online search and identified by the bill number. McBaine Levee bills are denoted by the letter "B" in the bill number, Hartsburg Levee bills have the letter "H", and Wilton Levee bills with the letter "W". For example, "2024 B 0001", "2024 H 0001", or "2024 W 0001".
Please see the Methods of Tax Payment page for detailed information about paying taxes in Boone County.